The Lymphatic Taping-Concept – the lymphatic tape

The tape works like functional bandaging. A very elastic and self-adhesive woven tape is applied to help manage a wide range of diseases on fascia, muscular or lymphatic level. The first investigations in managing lymphoedemas by applying tapes were in 2007 at the Lymphatic Clinic in St. Blasien (Germany).

Lymphatic tape has a positive effect on the lymphatic system in general. Not only is the fluid capacity of the superficial lymphatic system improved, but also the subfascial (deep-lying) lymphatic system, including draining muscles, bones, joints and nerves, are stimulated.

A wave-like pattern induces a pulling force on the skin and creates more space by lifting the fascia and the soft tissue under the areas where it is applied.

Effects of lymphatic taping

  • Improves mobility under the area of treatment
  • Reduces pain
  • Reduces oedema (water-retention in soft tissue)
  • Promotes lymphatic fluid, consisting mainly of acid-formed toxins, therefore the acid-base-balance in the affected area is re-established.

On one hand the lymphatic taping concept can be used as an additional therapy between  therapy sessions and on the other hand it is an extension of the classical lymphedema management therapy, also known as complexe physical decongestion therapy.

Furthermore, it constitutes an ideal complement to the classical CDT and is useful for the treatment of parts of the body which are difficult to reach (eg. hands, fingers, the groin, feet, shoulders, breasts, etc.)

Applied to oedema caused by pregnancy, the tape relieves pain and heaviness of limbs.