About me

Karin Meier-Roth

Swiss certified naturopathic physician & practitioner of lymphatic drainage massage  & CDT by Asdonk

1996-2001Degree in Science of Religion and Psychology from the University of Fribourg (2001), dissertation title “Synkretismus in der modernen/postmodernen Gesellschaft”
2002-2007Degree in Naturale Medicine (naturopathy) from "Schule der Naturheilkunde in Zürich-Witikon(Institut für integrative Naturheilkunde, NHK), dissertation title: “Das Horoskop als Diagnoseinstrument in der phytotherapeutischen Behandlung”
2006-2007Training in Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Oedema Therapy – including complexe physical decongestion therapy by using bandages with Peter Volk in 2007. Practical training as licensed MLD therapist in the Feldberg-clinic Dr. Asdonk, St. Blasien, Germany.
2018Swiss federal diploma in naturopathy (subject area in tradtional european naturopathy)
1992-2001Employment in various social institutions and homes for handicapped people
2003-2007Employment as Counselor for the Sozialwerke Pfr. E. Sieber, Züirch (care and assistance for homeless people)
2005-2008Massage therapist in the hamam-spa, Zürich (Migros Fitnesspark)
2007-2008Temporary employment as licensed MLD-therapist in the Feldberg-clinic Dr. Asdonk, St. Blasien (D)
2008-2009Self-employed natural health practioner and MLD therapist in Zentrum Schluefweg, Kloten
Since 2009Self-employed in own practice in Zürich

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